Monday, July 12, 2010

FIVE Months!!!

Holy Cow my baby boy is already Five months old. Time is going by so incredibley fast!!! Here is what my lil man & I have been up to this month....i really should blog more often but its a lot of work!
Oh and the pictures are really crappy this month since my camera is broken, the good ones that I have are from my sisters camera. BUT I bought a new lense and it should be here any day...YAY!!!

I bought Avory a walker & he loves it!! His feet dont touch the ground yet so I have to put a pillow under neath but he loves being able to sit up!

Found out he sleeps MUCH better on his belly :)

Avory finally met his Great Auntie Linda!! And oh how she spoiled me with clothes, she is the Epitome of an Aunt and how we all love every second of it. YOU ARE THE GREATEST AUNTIE LINDA!!

Avory took lots of Jogging trips with mama, Oh how he loves his stroller when its outside, especially when its going fassst!

We celebrated his First 4th of July. I am totally in love with him in overalls with no shirt on currently sooo adorable! He did so great with the fireworks. He didnt freak out or cry at all. Just snuggled close with mama!

We hung out at Aunt Lisa's for a few days while uncle Stephen was camping, Lots of fun with my niece & nephew. They are so adorable!

While we were at Lisas; one day I was trying to eat lunch and you were being rediculously dramatic & not letting me and I had a pickle with my sandwich so I decided to give the pickle to you instead and man O man did you LOVE it. Talk about like Mother like Son. When I was a little kid I loved pickles sooo much I would straight drink the juice out of the jar when all the pickles were gone. If someone dumped the juice out I would get so angry because I loved them that much and it seems your the same!!

and last but not least your FIVE months pictures, Auntie Lisa did such an Amazing job!

And now on a more serious note, Avory's life and mine may be changing DRASTICALLY in the next few months. There is still alot up in the air but it's for the better. It will just be VERY hard to leave the only life I know and create a new one for my son and I. The HARDEST part will be possibly saying goodbye to my amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzing friends the Aviles family. They are such a HUGE part of our life, everyday! I dont know how life would be without them alll the time. Regardless of what happens though they will forever be our family and I will not lose touch with them. These next few months are going to be the hardest tranistions I have ever had to go through!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I can't really say too much but my prayers, and there have been LOTS of them are finally being answered about work. Its just the begining of a long process but it feels so good to see a potential light at the end of this long dark tunnel I have been in for so long. I am Elated with good news today and it has never felt better!! God does amazing things just when your at your wits ends and ready to give up he sweeps in and throws you up so high you cant even see the ground anymore. I feel so incredibley blessed today!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


As all of you know I was laid off last July (2009). I have been on unemployment benefits since then and have until Sept. when they run out. I have been looking for another Detentions job around the city I live in but so far nothing! As the months creep closer and closer to Sept. my anxiety about working is building up more and more. I lay in bed at night and my mind just wonders... I am so scared I am not going to be able to find a job, I really dont want to go back to something like waitressing but if I have to I will. What if I am unable to find anything? There's a little boy I HAVE to provide for. Everyone I talk to says "it will work out" Oh ya?? what makes you so damn sure it will? I have been out of work for a year and nothing has "worked out" so far. I get so frustrated when I hear that. I just want my job back!!! moving to another county is out of the question because I NEED my support system and help with my son. I am just so scared for the next few months and the possibilities of what is to come.... Going through an academy & accomplishing all that I did last year I want to start my career & not have to worry about tomorrow or next months rent. This is so stressful.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A little Late, but worth the Wait.

So about a week ago 6/12/10 Avory turned 4 Months old. But since My camera was broken I was unable to take his 4month onesie pictures so since my older sister lisa came for fathers day she took a couple shots for me :)
so far this past month I spiked your hair, but I think I like your hair better just flat
we celebrated your first Memorial day and discovered you lovvvve to swim!
I tried giving you bananas but after seeing your reaction and talking to a few more people about solids I think we will put that off for much longer!

You are so playful now and have recently discovered your feet. Your constantly kicking them, I cant wait till you can grab your little toes!
You love your little toys, Auntie Lisa just gave you THREE bags full :)

Your Dimples are the Cutest thing ever!!!

You are quiet the attention getter in public

you went to the beach for the first time...and slept all through it.

Got to hang out with your cousin Ethan again & grandpop's house
I cant believe you two are just 4weeks apart!

You are FOUR Months old!!!
you like to suck on your bottom lip lately...

you love to stand up and pull your self up when holding onto mamas fingers


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So I'm convinced Avory is quiet the little hustler, he knows exactly when to turn the charm on. We spent the weekend at my aunt lindas and man was he picture perfect the ENTIRE time! Well ever since we've been home he's been a pill and no where near as enjoyable to be around. Either teething has struck again or I need to take him back to my aunts!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What a week!

Whew so things have been a bit hectic! all last week May 7th-May13th Jamie & Damon were in Mexico on vacation and they left me with the trust to take care of their three babies...Kennedy 8years old, Andrew 10years old & Layton 16years old. My goal of the week was not to hear "I'm Borrrred" and that goal was accomplished! I had so much fun with them. heres the break down of the week:

Sunday: drove Jamie & Damon to LAX at 7am then after that Kennedy, Avory & I met up with my sister Lisa and her adorable little family for brunch and the beach :) Kennedy loved the brunch she didnt know there were such a thing as buffet breakfast and she devoured lots n lots of churos haha. Then off to the beach we went. It was Avorys FIRST beach trip! he lovvved it! the week prior I was having the hardest time gettting him to sleep but at the beach he knocked out and slept the ENTIRE time!!
And kennedy was so cute playing in the sand and digging for sand crabs.(these pictures arent the greatest there from my cell phone)

Monday: We all just hung out at the house. The kids swam & I tackeled grocery about work! then later that night I played flashlight tag with the kids....they LOVED it! every night after they asked to play it. So Cute!

Tuesday:Before Kennedy went with her dad & Andrew went with his mom for the day we built a fort out of cardboard boxes in the backyard then Layton had his friend over & once he left I took Layton & taught him how to drive. It was so much fun & he was so excited he told me, "Thankyou andrea Iv never driven that much in my life" haha he's really good too! we went out to the middle of no where and he drove around for about an hour.

Wednesday: We hung out at home & swam during the day then at Golden hour I took the kids for pictures for fathers day.It is going to be such a good surprise for daddy damon! For months Jamie and I have talked about how we wish we knew where a cool rustic barn was well I got so excited when I found one just days before Jamie & Damon left.

Thursday: I woke up bright and early at 7am and packed the car to take the kids to Pismo Beach. I felt like such an idiot when we got there. I assumed that since it was hot in bakersfield the weather would be perfect at the beach well it wasnt. It was so wendy it was rediculous. The kids had so much fun while I the enitre time was trying to keep the sand out of mine & Avory's eyes well we could only handle so much of that so we left the beach & went to enjoy some salt water taffy...yummy! then on the way home we stopped to have pizza & catch the laker game. :) So Heartbreaking though, I decided to take my super nice camera to the beach well BIG mistake. because it was sooo wendy sand got inside my camera and it now wont take pictures. The lens is pretty much Dunzo and a new one is gonna cost about $300 :(

Friday: All week I told the kids I would make a scavenger hunt so before Andrew left to his moms for the weekend I did! they were so anxious the entire time I was making it because I made them wait in their room with the door closed so every few minutes they asked " can we come out yet?" Kennedy is a master at scavenger hunts! Andrew wasnt that much of a fan of it. He got a lttle impatient & just started looking around instead of trying to solve the riddle but all in all they loved it. earlier in the week I bought the kids little wooden bird houses & water colors to paint so that kept them busy for a little while. then we had a water balloon fight....sooo much fun! but towards the end of the fight I was trying to dodge a balloon and tripped & fell into this bush and came out with welts/cuts all over my hands,arms, and legs. I still have quiet a few scratches. After Andrew left Layton went with his dad to a Korn concert so me Kennedy and Avory relaxed at home. It was some good quality time I really enjoyed with them!

Saturday: I pretty much had the day to myself well other than my little man but the kids went with their other parents. Oh and my lil man turned 4 months old!! I was so sad I couldn't take pictures of him in his 4month onesie :( but heres is most current picture
"lock up your daughters..." hehe so cute!

Sunday: Hung out at home till about 4:30 then left with kennedy & avory to go pick up Jamie & Damon from Lax. well to get home took about 4hours because my car started messing up and when I would try to accelerate it would sputter so it is now currently in the shop....ahhh what a week!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cry baby

   This is what my night&day consisted of :

                                                                                     So exhausting!!! I dont know what I've done to myself he pretty much WONT sleep unless hes right next to me. As soon as he falls asleep and I put him in his crib he wakes up screaming. I'm not a fan of the "cry it out" sleep method. BUT after pretty much no sleep last night and his jokes of  naps today I couldnt take much more so I put him in his crib and after 20mins of screaming he is finally asleep. Lets hope & pray tomorrow is not a repeat of today!!